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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

wiggin out man on synthetic x

Have you lost your connect for x? You're in luck now since you found my blog. You can order this synthetic mdma from a designer . ship it straight home for only about 25 bucks. Please do your research as I have not personally tested this product. click on beta ketones when you go see the folks at  BK-MDMA

Monday, March 15, 2010

fuel prices pissing you off? tell opec where to stick it with your kewl electric car

Zap cars are cool, electric and cheap.These folks in california  got a big ole list of vehicles that are completely electric. from scooters to solar trucks. Hell, they even got this underwater swimming turbine thingy. I saw an electric dirtbike, and this really fast one too, It had these electric motors in the wheels that gave it something like 400 horsepower. Zero Air Pollution. check em out on the left.

electric bills eating you up? check out this power for home kit and kiss your energy bills goodbye

You can build this solar panel and windmill for less than 250 bucks and get free batteries for a backup. Think I'm lying? click on power 4 homes on the left and see for yourself! You will not believe how simple this thing is. A kid could build it.

just got some killer seeds from canada.

I sent off for some strawberry cough seeds and they finally arrived. I bought them already feminized  so I will have a higher yield. I was also interested in the g 13 hash plant but the strawberry cough was too much to resist.I have them germinating in a little bag with toilet paper and water. I cant wait for summer!

growin some magic mushrooms

I recently came across this website where you can order this sterile bag to grow mushrooms in. they sell a little syringe full of spores. I wonder if they are any good? If anyone knows about this please leave a comment.

Friday, March 12, 2010

make some cash by trimming trees around your neighborhood

Go and get yourself a nice chainsaw and polesaw from your local pawnshop. A good homelite 18 inch should run you about 60 bucks. A good remington electric polesaw should cost about 50 bucks. Dig some loppers out of your garage and you are in business.. Put a ladder in the back of your pickup truck and ride around the more affluent areas of your town. Look for people doing yard work in their yards.When you approach them, tell them that you are doing some treework in the neighborhood and that you manicure trees, raise the canopy, do tree removals, cut all the sucker limbs off and haul everything away when your finished. You can give them a bid while you are there if they have any work to do. You want give a bid that is not too low or too high. I try to estimate how long it will take me to do the work and bid the job at about 60 dollars per hour. Stay away from dangerous trees unless you have experience. You can make some good cash right down the street if you have a little sales skills. Also keep in mind of where you are going to dump the trimmings. Look in the phone book for a mulching yard that will take the stuff off your hands. Who says money don't grow on trees? Good luck.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

jwh 18 review

Got my first batch of jwh 18 in a little incense pouch called serenety now. It had a good flavor, blueberry and it was a good high. I will never smoke swag again and lose any more jobs because of popping a whiz quiz. It's jwh all the way for me. They sell it in the smoke shop here for 40 bucks for 3 grams. Quite a deal as you only need to toke 3 or 4 times for a 2 hour blast. Can't beat it for anything. especially the clean urine part